tess of the storm country (1914 film) artinya
- storm: angin ribut; ribut; taufan; badai; berjalan
- country: kawasan pendalaman; negeri; tanahair; tempat
- 1914 by country: 1914 mengikut negara; tahun 1914 menurut negara
- tess (1979 film): tess (film)
- tess of the d'urbervilles (1924 film): tess of the d'urbervilles (film 1924)
- 1914 establishments by country: pendirian tahun 1914 menurut negara
- a million bid (1914 film): a million bid (filem 1914)
- behind the scenes (1914 film): behind the scenes (filem 1908)
- brute force (1914 film): brute force (film 1914); brute force (filem 1914)
- judge not (1914 film): d?men icke
- laughing gas (1914 film): laughing gas (film 1914)
- lights and shadows (1914 film): lights and shadows (filem 1914)
- the bargain (1914 film): the bargain (film 1914); the bargain
- the battle of the sexes (1914 film): the battle of the sexes (filem 1914); the battle of the sexes (film 1914)
- the call of the north (1914 film): the call of the north (film 1914)